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Redeemer's education aims to form students into learners and lovers of God who see everything in relation to the excellencies of the Lord Jesus Christ. A Redeemer education will be marked by being:
Rooted in the Scriptures (2 Tim 3:16)​
Joyfully treasuring Christ as our highest aim
(Matt 13:44)
Equipped for a God-centered worldview
(2 Cor 4:5-6)
The Trivium as a training tool for discernment
(Prov 16:21)
Academic rigor within a gracious environment
(1 Cor 9:26-27)
Virtue formation for faithful living
(Prov 16:16)
Depth and mastery over breadth and exposure (Dan 2:20-23)
Advancing God’s Kingdom in the world (Phil 2:9-11)
Limited and dependent upon God
(Rom 11:33-36)
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