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The Redeemer Difference

Redeemer Classical School is a new Christ-centered, classical school serving families in the Fayette and Coweta county area of south metro Atlanta. Our desire is to partner with families in equipping our students to love and discern the true, good and beautiful for joyful and faithful living to the glory of God.

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Joyful and Faithful Living to the Glory of God. The central emphasis of education is to help form students into learners and lovers of God, disciples of Jesus who desire to live joyfully and faithfully for the glory of His name. We long to see our students see everything in relation to the excellencies of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, Redeemer will be a school community marked by:


  • Living in the Light of God’s Word (Heb 5:14)

  • Educating to Form Disciples of Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37; Matt 28:18-20)

  • Renewing Minds to Shape Affections (Rom 12:1-2)

  • Leadership that Models Joyful and Faithful Christian Living (1 Cor 11:1)

Classical Education

Loving and Discerning the True, Good, and Beautiful. Classical education comes from a 2,400 year tradition of teaching students how to think, not what to think (with an emphasis on virtue and wisdom). Classical education teaches students to go from what is concrete to abstract using the tools of the Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric), which takes advantage of a student’s natural capacity for learning. Classical education emphasizes the Liberal Arts tradition and the Great Books that formed Western Civilization. Classical education trains students to seek truth, beauty, and goodness. Early Christians "baptized" Classical pedagogy because of Jesus, the ultimate expression of truth, goodness, and beauty.  In Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3) and "the fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7).  It is precisely this kind of education that has produced countless leaders, inventors, artists, and theologians throughout history.

Educational Distinctives

Prioritizing Families and the Local Church. Redeemer Classical School partners with parents by providing a core classical education, where core academics are delivered, but family time is honored. The Bible establishes two institutions for the discipleship of children: the family and the church. As a school, we exist to partner with families and churches in the education of students, so we want to help foster healthy family life and local church engagement for all of our students.


3-Day Model. Redeemer Classical School is dedicated to the belief that the core academic studies of math, science, and humanities can be successfully taught in a 3-day model. All classes will be taught on campus Tuesday-Thursday. Mondays and Fridays are home days, where parents have discretion to provide additional school work, take field trips, or engage in extracurricular activities. In this model, new material is not expected to be taught at home; however, parents are encouraged to help students practice what they have learned through review, and foster a healthy, consistent home learning environment. The two days at home will be used for practicing and preparing. Younger students will practice what they've learned and as they gain independence in their academics they will begin to prepare for the next class through reading and study.


Integrated Learning and Ages. Fields of study will be offered school-wide at the same time each day. Students will progress at different rates through learning groups as they master the material, allowing for strong and weak students to learn alongside each other within the same academic environment.

Interested in Teaching?

Redeemer Classical is seeking teachers who are interested in nurturing students in the admonition of the Lord through gospel-centric education. After submitting a Faculty Inquiry, the next steps are to complete a formal Faculty Application, a teaching audition (either in person or online), and an interview.


In addition to subscribing to Redeemer’s Statement of Faith, all administration and staff (Board members, administrative staff, and teachers) must subscribe to either the Westminster Confession of Faith or the The 1689 Baptist Confession. Their subscription must be either by written statement or by oral testimony before the Board. Please click the link below to begin the application process.

Video from Vision Night
November 2023
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‪(770) 727-1805


Mailing Address

Redeemer Classical School

PO Box 2023

Peachtree City, GA 30269


Currently Meeting at

All Saints Anglican Church

149 Ebenezer Road
Fayetteville, GA 30215

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